Every year I like to do a Burning Bowl ceremony. This is where you intentionally close out the previous year and open up to the possibilities of the new year. On New Year's Eve, I held this ceremony with my sweet friends Suzanne and Wayra. Wayra is four years old and this was her first time doing anything like this.
We smudged with sage to clear the space. We wrote down what we wanted to let go of in the coming year. My mom, who introduced me to this ceremony, described this part as making a gratitude list for these things we would like to let go of- because they have served us in some way. Then, we burnt these scraps of paper (Wayra was fascinated by this part). We used a candle resting in sand from the lakefront. Then, we bundled up and trudged to the lake to bury the remnants of the scraps of paper on the snowy beach.
The next part was to think of what we would like to bring into the year. We made a list of the things that we wanted to embrace. These scraps of paper we held onto. It was a lovely ceremony and wonderful to share with a little person. I came home and placed my intentions for the new year in a special place, so that they can be remembered and infused with love throughout the year.
Something I have learned in my Reiki (a hands-on healing method) training is to light a candle as a prayer of intention. Niall and I have been brainstorming and planning for our future lately. So, I have been lighting candles for these dreams for the year. This morning I did so, while also lighting this little candle with the intention to stay in the present moment while all these plans and dreams are brewing.