Friday, August 15, 2014

It has been a period of "good-byes" and "see ya laters" lately. 
I said farewell to the garden the other day. I am passing it along to my dear friends who live down the street, so I know it's in good hands.

Thanks for teaching me so much!
Niall and I said a huge "bye, for now" to Cassius, who is settling into his temporary home with our friend Sean. I was encouraged by Cassius' confident strutting around the apartment and rubbing his cheeks repeatedly on Sean's legs by the time we left on Wednesday. We got a text that night, featuring a photo of Cass lounging comfortably on the bed. I am so relieved - now I feel like we can actually take this trip.

Cassius has never been so high up - what a view! I think he'll be just fine...

It's been really hard to be at our apartment now, though. This house is no longer a home without Cassius. 

Today is Niall and my's last day at our respective jobs. It doesn't quite feel real yet. However, after six years at the amazing Tree House Humane Society, I know that I've learned so much there and I will carry that with me for the rest of my life.

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